
Name Cruachan 5th
Herde vom Wartenberg
Ohrenmarke DE0116389534
Geburtstag 09/03/2009
Geschlecht Männlich
Farbe rot
Anzahl Nachkommen 42
Zustand Lebend
voller Gesundheitsstatus durch SNP-Typisierung nachgewiesen Nein
voller Gesundheitsstatus beider Elterntiere durch SNP-Typisierung nachgewiesen Nein
OM DE0349589271
Farbe -
OM DE0111692301
Farbe -
OM DE1300461679
Farbe -
OM DE0343457512
Farbe -
OM DE0111516490
geb 25/03/1993
Farbe schwarz
OM DE0111516489
Farbe -
Name Ohrmarke Geburtstag
Cruachan Fox of Blocken DE0365399735
Clementine Ruadh Fox of Blocken DE0355899255 20/01/2013
Merle Fox of Blocken DE0356606166 13/03/2013
Lisette Fox of Blocken DE0356606164 31/03/2013
Amelia Fox of Blocken DE0356606151 01/05/2013
Elsebeth Fox of Blocken DE0356606153 12/06/2013
Lea Marleen Fox of Blocken DE0356606148 31/03/2014
Clifford Fox of Blocken DE0356606149 04/04/2014
Amanacy Fox of Blocken DE0356606150 07/04/2014
Elvira Fox of Blocken DE0357650185 13/05/2014
Nassim Fox of Blocken DE0357650198 14/03/2015
Evita Ruadh Fox of Blocken DE0358521385 06/04/2015
Conrad Fox of Blocken DE0358521389 25/04/2015
Letta Fox of Blocken DE0358521403 18/10/2015
Liona Fox of Blocken DE0358521404 18/10/2015
Seonaid Fox of Blocken DE0358521402 13/05/2016
Lilli Magret Fox of Blocken DE0359493952 02/07/2016
Alva Fox of Blocken DE0359493956 13/03/2017
Estella Fox of Blocken DE0359493964 26/03/2017
Arnica Fox of Blocken DE0359493967 02/04/2017
Adele Fox of Blocken DE0359493969 13/04/2017
Sugar Beet Fox of Blocken DE0360415012 16/04/2017
Cherry Fox of Blocken DE0360415018 07/01/2018
Apple Pie Fox of Blocken DE0360415021 20/03/2018
Nula Fox of Blocken DE0360415023 25/03/2018
Anna Fox of Blocken DE0360415030 02/04/2018
Claas Fox of Blocken DE0360415036 22/04/2018
Emanuela Fox of Blocken DE0360415040 17/06/2018
Cathy Fox of Blocken DE0361316765 28/03/2019
Avocado Fox of Blocken DE0361316777 20/07/2019
Elise Fox of Blocken DE0361316775 22/07/2019
Clara Fox of Blocken DE0361316789 20/05/2020
Carlo Fox of Blocken DE0361316790 15/07/2020
Christof Fox of Blocken DE0362991928 05/04/2021
Amal Mhor Fox of Blocken DE0362991936 15/05/2021
Gisela Fox of Blocken DE0362991940 17/06/2021
Maggie Fox of Blocken DE0362991947 26/07/2021
Constantin Fox of Blocken DE0362991948 09/08/2021
Agneta Fox of Blocken DE0364077250 12/05/2022
Chason Fox of Blocken DE0365399719 29/04/2023
Alice Ruadh Fox of Blocken DE0365399729 19/06/2023
Caledonia Fox of Blocken DE0365399733 14/07/2023
animal image
Vorname Marion und Beat
Name Nägeli
Vorname Kristine u. Bernhard
Name Helmerichs
PLZ 28816
Ort Stuhr
Straße Blockener Straße 40
Telefon 0162-1360058

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